Past midnight now and I am officially 36 weeks pregnant ❤️

My final, conservative goal is 35 weeks minimum and I’ve exceeded it.

It’s so surreal how this day seemed so impossible less than a year ago. A miscarriage at 9 weeks gestation, six months after the loss of my twins definitely added to the hopelessness.

But here we are. I look forward to holding her, healthy and happy, alive, in my arms so very much.

January 2018 Watercolour Challenge 24/31
Beach. Can pass mah?
Man vs Woman?
There’s a delivery man at the door. We were still in bed. Am obviously too heavy to run downstairs and sign for the delivery.

Told hubs to get up. He did…then he went to the toilet for a longass pee. Our doorbell was ringing profusely. Then, his phone started ringing, must be his parcel. He came out of the loo, sat down on the bed and started drinking water wtf…while his phone n our doorbell rang.

I couldn’t hold it in anymore. “Pee, drink…you gonna take a bath too first?”.

Only then he started walking downstairs to retrieve the parcel. I was crossing my fingers that the guy hadn’t left. Luckily, he hung around long enough.

Is this a man vs woman thing!? I was so gobsmacked wtf I was ready to club him over the head with my mobile legs!!

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